In Limbo

In March 2020 what seemed like a distant threat became reality for all of us as we were forced to self-quarantine. Our lives changed drastically and since then we have been learning to deal with a wide range of emotions and a new normal. I find myself fluctuating between being anxious and worried and yet trying to find a silver lining in all of this, all while raising a child, comforting a husband, and needing to create art.

While dealing with this inner storm I still have to be the best mother I can be to our toddler. I am trying to help him navigate the wide range of emotions that he too is dealing with, without him being able to understand why this is all happening. My heart aches for him.

There is solitude and a longing for freedom and at the same time a gratitude for the smallest things that we used to take for granted. I find the inner peace in those rare moments spent in nature.

By documenting this time, I recognize the passage of time, but I also have found solace in learning the language of my life – a shaft of light as it moves through a room, the way my son’s hair curls over his shoulder, the beauty of an afternoon walk. And it’s in these unremarkable moments that I can finally breath again.